After years of tests, deadlines, all-night study sessions, and endless to-do lists, graduation will be upon us in a few short months. In honor of your success, the Office of Alumni Relations and other campus partners invite you to Life After Wright State 2017—a week of social and networking events designed to recognize graduates and officially welcome you as a new member of the Wright State University Alumni Association!
The Center for Workforce Development is led by a team of experienced professionals who strive to bring significant growthin the region to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education; prepare veterans for skilled, technical positions in the civilian workforce; and prepare thousands to fill key jobs in intelligence, aerospace & defense, and Ohio's many growth industries.
As Wright State University reaches the end of 2016, let’s take a look back at the learning, activities and FUN that filled the lives of Wright State alumni, current students and community members.